Upgrade Your Financial Knowledge. Upgrade Your Life.
Everybody has a trade or a skill, trading is the same way. What they don't teach us in school is that the market is manipulate every single day. In this course you will learn how to recognize the same cycles that financial gurus and the most successful traders follow to make millions and billions.
You get to learn the financial secrets, strategies, and plays that will help you:
- Invest in your financial future
- Experience more financial freedom
- Start or grow a business
- Secure more lines of credit & loans
- Make more out of the money you have
- Ensure your retirement will be comfortable
- Leave a financial legacy to set your loved ones up for life
Hi, I’m Cornell James
I started out as many of you as an employee. I eventually was able to save up and become an entrepreneur by starting a franchise. Eight years ago I met a person who introduced me to the world of trading and my life forever changed.
I now teach trading and financial literacy to kids, teens and adults.
Take the first step in gaining the knowledge that will change your life.
This is a self-directed educational program which takes a community-based approach to learning.
We provide a wide range of resources designed to help students learn real-world skills and, more importantly, execute their life and career goals.